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German Books and Magazines


German Books and Magazines

These old German journals and books help provide an opportunity to revisit past experiences you may have had or someone else has had. You may find how your unique perspective of your life has evolved and how you developed priorities, beliefs and attitudes. Readers of these old journals will have a sense of gratitude for the good moments in one’s life. Whoever assembled these boxes was working on a history project. These materials were used for creative inspiration and ideas for writing. 


German Books

The boxes include:

German Books Boxes

Magazines from around the area dated 1919, 1921, 1939, and etc., for example. Catechism books, year books, and history books in German. There is a very old Bible (1853) and books about prominent OFM priests and their history.

Please call Br. Benedict if you are interested in having these (306-682-7860). You may have to leave a message. Email:

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